Do not sell my personal information
Unless you give us explicit permission, we do not sell data that directly identifies you. As a resident of California and any other State in the United States and/or country where it applies, you can make decisions about how to share your data. We use your data to provide your service and personalize your experience. But we also share data in ways that can be considered a sale of personal information according to the new state laws of California and any other state in the United States and/or country where it applies. As a resident of California and any other State in the United States and/or country where you apply, you can choose whether or not you want this exchange:
We share data between the different academic programs and administrative departments of the System for Education Empowerment and Success (SEDES) and with SEDES funders, regulatory agencies, and service providers. This is one way a SEDES client can obtain a discount offer, additional resources, or an invitation to access new products and services.
When we share data with others, we do so with strict privacy protections and for limited reasons, such as providing the results of our educational programs to regulatory agencies or financial and in-kind grantors of programs and funds. We may also share your information within the scope and advertising (marketing) of SEDES to help us calculate impact ratings or deliver the most relevant advertising.
Remember, we do not sell data that directly identifies you unless we have your explicit permission, no matter what choice you make here. We appreciate your trust; however, you ask us to handle your data when you use our products and services.
We are required by law to provide you with opt-out options. To do so, click on the link below.