It's not magic, it's science.
The Brain-In Method © is an accelerated learning system based on scientifically proven learning systems that allow students to learn naturally, in the same way they learned as children. The science behind this impressive methodology includes Neuro-Learning, Situational Learning, Accelerated Learning Techniques, Multiple Intelligences, and TPR. The Brain-In © Method is a learning method developed exclusively by and for SEDES, so you won't find it anywhere else.

Master English by taking face-to-face English classes with the best teachers.
Learn to speak English with The Brain-In Method© by SEDES. This learning system will help you learn naturally, in the same way that you learned Spanish!
This course is designed for Latinos living in the US, so that in a few months you can have a natural conversation in English. Classes are conversational and the reading and writing component intensifies as you progress through the academic program. It works the same way you learned to communicate as a kid, so you know it works.

Master English by taking online classes with the best teachers. They are not recorded classes.
Learn to speak English with The Brain-In Method© by SEDES. This learning system will help you learn naturally, in the same way that you learned Spanish!
This course is designed for Latinos living in the US, so that in a few months you can have a natural conversation in English. Classes are conversational and the reading and writing component intensifies as you progress through the academic program. It works the same way you learned to communicate as a kid, so you know it works.
Descargo de responsabilidad: SEDES es una institución de educación para adultos registrada para ofrecer servicios educativos para adultos. SEDES no es una escuela de carreras ni un colegio, y no se promociona ni opera como tal. Esto se hace en cumplimiento de las normativas TEC 132.15(1), TEC 132.155 y TEC 132.154.